Around 30 people joined in a joyful advent celebration Thursday 1. December. In a great joint effort the Christmas tree was decorated and people enjoyed about 15 kilos of “risgrøt”. A great start of the holiday season!
From now on, Geosupen is the umbrella for all of GFI’s social activities! Here you can find updates and information on all social activities at GFI, for regular and one-off events. All activities, such as brewing, football, volleyball, Cake Tuesday,…
Geosupen og Geofysisk fagutvalg inviterer studenter og ansatte til juletrepynting og grøtfest torsdag 1. desember klokken 17:00 i kantinen! Det blir ikke jul uten et flott juletre på Geofysen og vi trenger DIN hjelp til å få pynten på plass.…
The brewers have been busy in the basement lately. This Wednesday we got started with the second batch of geophysical beer for the 100th Year anniversary for GFI. In light of last week events overseas we chose to brew 7Fjell…
Smalahåvesupen is just over, and although that was a success, and our two batches were gone by midnight, the brewery cannot hvile på sine laurbær. We need to stay focused, think forward. Just over the New Year there’s another big…